Conference Schedule

Theme: Value-based Education for Humane Society (including SDGs)

The conference will be conducted in two shifts with the same keynote content repeated in both shifts

  • APAC, Japan, ME, Africa 02:30-11:00 GMT or 08:00-16:30 IST
  • EU and Americas 13:30-20:30 GMT or 19:00-03:30 IST

Please select your Zone (like India, Japan, Australia West, Middle East, Africa, Europe, US East, etc.)

Please select Shift 1 for APAC, Japan, ME, Africa | Select Shift 2 for EU and Americas

Friday, 22 November 2024 (Day 1)

Session Name Start Time End Time

Saturday, 23 November 2024 (Day 2)

Session Name Start Time End Time

Sunday, 24 November 2024 (Day 3)

Session Name Start Time End Time